
Joe Dugger Begins Retirement

Joe Dugger

On May 3, 2024, Joe Dugger retired from CFC Properties. Joe began working for CFC Properties in November of 1991 – 32 years of spectacular service with CFC! Originally, Joe came to CFC as a temp, but very quickly, it became obvious that he fit well with the other employees and our company culture, and he had the necessary maintenance skills, so he was hired permanently.  

For many years, CFC has relied upon Joe to key, and re-key, every lock on every CFC property in Indiana. His skill of mastering keys and locks goes beyond measure, as well as many other skills that CFC Properties relied upon. Another great quality that Joe brought was a contagious smile and a laugh that was so recognizable that every person in the room felt joy when he expressed his happiness and humor.  

Joe learned by watching and helping others. He would ask questions so that he could learn new skills. He was always willing to help and learn, as well as ‘DO’. He wouldn’t ask for help until he knew he had exhausted all his knowledge, and when he reached that point, he would ask for help and carefully observe the solution so he would have a very clear understanding of what was needed. 

From all of us at CFC Properties, we wish Joe the very happiest of days as he begins his well-deserved retirement.